




主要研究方向为生物视觉的计算模型、类脑视觉智能技术及应用(含自然图像处理与计算机视觉应用、智能医学图像处理与分析等)。主要研究贡献是:从信息处理和计算模型的角度,系统地梳理了从视网膜到中、高级视皮层通路上各级神经元信息加工的部分原理,建立了一系列受视觉机理启发的图像处理新方法和新技术。这些研究一方面帮助阐明了若干大脑视觉工作原理;另一方面,还可以为以智能环境感知为核心的众多工程应用提供高质量图像及重要感知信息。 以第一作者或通讯作者在国际重要期刊及会议上发表论文近百篇,包括工程类期刊(含IEEE Transactions on PAMI / IP / ITS 等)、神经科学类期刊(如NeuroImage),以及ICCV/CVPR/ECCV 等会议论文(含ICCV oral paper 1 篇)。申请中国发明专利近30 项(其中已授权20余项)。先后以负责人身份主持包括国家自然基金项目和973项目子课题在内的国家及省部级项目十余项。主编(共同主编)本科生教材1部,参编国外英文专著2部、中文研究生教材1部。 2007年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2009年入选四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选(第八批),2020年获得吴文俊人工智能自然科学三等奖(排名第一)。目前担任中国自动化学会理事(2018.12-)、中国自动化学会生物控制论与生物医学工程专委会主任委员(2018.9-)、中国电子学会生物医学电子学分会副主任委员(2018.6-)、中国自动化学会新一代信息技术科技服务团专家(2020.6-),是IEEE Senior Member(2017.1-)。担任IEEE Access、IET Image Processing等国际SCI期刊的Associate Editor,是IEEE Transactions on PAMI / IP / NNLS / MI / EC、IJCV、PR等多个国际重要刊物及ICCV/CVPR/ECCV等国际重要学术会议的审稿人。
[1] 2020年,吴文俊人工智能自然科学三等奖(排名第一)
[2] 2018年,中国图象图形学学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖”指导教师
[3] 2018年,中国电子教育学会优秀博士学位论文优秀指导教师
[4] 2015年,中国模糊图像处理竞赛之“交通场景图像增强挑战赛”(决赛)第三名(排名第一)
[5] 2007年,教育部新世纪优秀人才
[6] 2002年,四川省科技进步三等奖(理论类,排名第四)
[1] 国家自然科学基金"视听觉信息的认知计算"重大研究计划培育项目:基于生物视觉感知机理的高效图像处理技术研究(#91420105),2015 - 2017;
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于生物视觉机理的颜色恒常性算法研究(#61375115),2014 - 2017;
[3] 973课题(与上海交大、国防科大联合承担):视认知编码与脑信息融合机制研究(#2013CB329401),2013~2017;
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于自适应非经典感受野机制的视觉选择性注意模型研究(#61075109),2011-2013;
[5] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-07-0151):基于视觉神经信息处理机制的医学影像分析理论及应用基础研究,2008~2010。
[1] Qiu, Teng, and Yongjie Li*, Enhancing In-Tree-based Clustering via Distance Ensemble and Kernelization, Pattern Recognition, 2020, 107731.
[2] Yijun Cao, Chuan Lin*, Yong-Jie Li, Learning Crisp Boundaries Using Deep Refinement Network and Adaptive Weighting Loss, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020, (accepted), DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2020.2987685.
[3] Xian-Shi Zhang, Kai-Fu Yang, Jun Zhou, Yong-Jie Li*, Retina Inspired Tone Mapping Method for High Dynamic Range Images, Optics Express, 2020, 28(5): 5953-5964.
[4] Kai-Fu Yang, Xian-Shi Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, A Biological Vision Inspired Framework for Image Enhancement in Poor Visibility Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020, 29(1): 1493-1506.
[5] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Improving color constancy by selecting suitable set of training images, Optics Express, 2019, 27(18): 25611-25633.
[6] Shao-Bing Gao, Yan-Ze Ren, Ming Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Visual Mechanisms for Color Constancy Under Varying Illumination, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28(9): 4387-4400.
[7] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Qian Zhao, Xian-Shi Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Underwater Image Enhancement using Adaptive Retinal Mechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28(11): 5580-5595.
[8] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Improving color constancy by selecting suitable set of training images, Optics Express, 2019, 27(18): 25611-25633.
[9] Hulin Kuang, Kai-Fu Yang, Long Chen, Yong-Jie Li*, Leanne Lai Hang Chan*, Hong Yan, Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, 19(3): 814-825.
[10] Tao Deng, Hongmei Yan*, YongJie Li*, Learning to Boost Bottom-up Fixation Prediction in Driving Environments via Random Forest, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, 19(9): 3059-3067.
[11] Kai-Fu Yang, Hui Li, Hulin Kuang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, An Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2019, 29(3): 640 - 652.
[12] Hulin Kuang, Xianshi Zhang, YongJie Li*, Leanne Lai Hang Chan*, Hong Yan, Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Bio-Inspired Image Enhancement and Weighted Score-Level Feature Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18(4): 927-936.
[13] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Improving Color Constancy by Discounting the Variation of Camera Spectral Sensitivity, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2017, 34(8): 1448-1462.
[14] Kai-Fu Yang, Hui Li, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, A Unified Framework for Salient Structure Detection by Contour-Guided Visual Search, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016, 25(8): 3475-3488.
[15] Tao Deng, Kaifu Yang, Yongjie Li, Hongmei Yan*, Where does the driver look? Top-down based saliency detection in a traffic driving environment, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, 17(7): 2051-2062.
[16] Xian-Shi Zhang, Shao-Bing Gao, Ruo-Xuan Li, Xin-Yu Du, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, A Retinal Mechanism Inspired Color Constancy Model, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016, 25(3): 1219-1232.
[17] Shao-Bing Gao, Kai-Fu Yang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Color Constancy Using Double-Opponency, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2015, 37(10): 1973-1985.
[18] Kai-Fu Yang, Shao-Bing Gao, Ce-Feng Guo, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Boundary Detection Using Double-Opponency and Spatial Sparseness Constraint, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015, 24(8): 2565-2578.
[19] Kai-Fu Yang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Potential Roles of the Interaction Between Model V1 Neurons with Orientation-Selective and Non-selective Surround Inhibition in Contour Detection, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2015, Vol. 9, Article: 30, pp.1-16.
[20] Xian-Shi Zhang, Shao-Bing Gao, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, A Retina Inspired Model for Enhancing Visibility of Hazy Images, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2015, 9: 151, pp.1-16.
[21] Kaifu Yang, Shaobing Gao, Yongjie Li*, Efficient Illuminant Estimation for Color Constancy Using Grey Pixels, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015, 2254-2263.
[22] Kaifu Yang, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, Multifeature-Based Surround Inhibition Improves Contour Detection in Natural Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014, 23(12): 5020-5032.
[23] Shaobing Gao, Wangwang Han, Kaifu Yang, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, Efficient Color Constancy with Local Surface Reflectance Statistics, The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2014), Part II, LNCS 8690, pp. 158–173, 2014.(acceptance rate: 25.1%)
[24] Kaifu Yang, Shaobing Gao, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, Efficient Color Boundary Detection with Color-opponent Mechanisms, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, pp2810-2817.
[25] Shaobing Gao, Kaifu Yang, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, A Color Constancy Model with Double-Opponency Mechanisms, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013, pp929-936 (oral paper, acceptance rate: 2.52%).
[26] Chi Zeng, Yongjie Li*, Chaoyi Li, Center-Surround Interaction with Adaptive Inhibition: a Computational Model for Contour Detection, NeuroImage. 2011, 55(1): 49-66. (IF: 5.937)
[27] Yongjie Li*, Jie Lei, A Feasible Solution to the Beam-Angle-Optimization Problem in Radiotherapy Planning With a DNA-Based Genetic Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2010, 57(3): 499-508.
职称 教授 邮箱 liyj@uestc.edu.cn
所在系别 生物医学工程系 研究领域 生物视觉计算模型、类脑智能(视觉仿生)技术与智能图像处理
科学研究 招生专业 博士:083100生物医学工程(02医学成像与医学图像/信号处理,05视觉认知与认知计算)</br> 硕士:083100生物医学工程(02医学成像与图像处理技术,06视觉感知与认知机理,07计算神经科学与类脑智能)
联系方式 办公地址 沙河校区主楼西301-1
团队联系方式 教育教学 2000年02月—2004年06月,银河娱乐官网入口,银河娱乐官网入口,生物医学工程专业,博士</br>
工作履历 2011年11月—至今,银河娱乐官网入口,银河娱乐官网入口,博士生导师</br>
研究概况 主要研究方向为生物视觉的计算模型、类脑视觉智能技术及应用(含自然图像处理与计算机视觉应用、智能医学图像处理与分析等)。主要研究贡献是:从信息处理和计算模型的角度,系统地梳理了从视网膜到中、高级视皮层通路上各级神经元信息加工的部分原理,建立了一系列受视觉机理启发的图像处理新方法和新技术。这些研究一方面帮助阐明了若干大脑视觉工作原理;另一方面,还可以为以智能环境感知为核心的众多工程应用提供高质量图像及重要感知信息。
以第一作者或通讯作者在国际重要期刊及会议上发表论文近百篇,包括工程类期刊(含IEEE Transactions on PAMI / IP / ITS 等)、神经科学类期刊(如NeuroImage),以及ICCV/CVPR/ECCV 等会议论文(含ICCV oral paper 1 篇)。申请中国发明专利近30 项(其中已授权20余项)。先后以负责人身份主持包括国家自然基金项目和973项目子课题在内的国家及省部级项目十余项。主编(共同主编)本科生教材1部,参编国外英文专著2部、中文研究生教材1部。
2007年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2009年入选四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选(第八批),2020年获得吴文俊人工智能自然科学三等奖(排名第一)。目前担任中国自动化学会理事(2018.12-)、中国自动化学会生物控制论与生物医学工程专委会主任委员(2018.9-)、中国电子学会生物医学电子学分会副主任委员(2018.6-)、中国自动化学会新一代信息技术科技服务团专家(2020.6-),是IEEE Senior Member(2017.1-)。担任IEEE Access、IET Image Processing等国际SCI期刊的Associate Editor,是IEEE Transactions on PAMI / IP / NNLS / MI / EC、IJCV、PR等多个国际重要刊物及ICCV/CVPR/ECCV等国际重要学术会议的审稿人。
代表性成果 ·主要奖励</br>
[1] 2020年,吴文俊人工智能自然科学三等奖(排名第一)</br>
[2] 2018年,中国图象图形学学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖”指导教师</br>
[3] 2018年,中国电子教育学会优秀博士学位论文优秀指导教师</br>
[4] 2015年,中国模糊图像处理竞赛之“交通场景图像增强挑战赛”(决赛)第三名(排名第一)</br>
[5] 2007年,教育部新世纪优秀人才</br>
[6] 2002年,四川省科技进步三等奖(理论类,排名第四)</br>
[1] 国家自然科学基金"视听觉信息的认知计算"重大研究计划培育项目:基于生物视觉感知机理的高效图像处理技术研究(#91420105),2015 - 2017;</br>
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于生物视觉机理的颜色恒常性算法研究(#61375115),2014 - 2017;</br>
[3] 973课题(与上海交大、国防科大联合承担):视认知编码与脑信息融合机制研究(#2013CB329401),2013~2017;</br>
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于自适应非经典感受野机制的视觉选择性注意模型研究(#61075109),2011-2013;</br>
[5] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-07-0151):基于视觉神经信息处理机制的医学影像分析理论及应用基础研究,2008~2010。</br>
[1] Qiu, Teng, and Yongjie Li*, Enhancing In-Tree-based Clustering via Distance Ensemble and Kernelization, Pattern Recognition, 2020, 107731.</br>
[2] Yijun Cao, Chuan Lin*, Yong-Jie Li, Learning Crisp Boundaries Using Deep Refinement Network and Adaptive Weighting Loss, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020, (accepted), DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2020.2987685.</br>
[3] Xian-Shi Zhang, Kai-Fu Yang, Jun Zhou, Yong-Jie Li*, Retina Inspired Tone Mapping Method for High Dynamic Range Images, Optics Express, 2020, 28(5): 5953-5964.</br>
[4] Kai-Fu Yang, Xian-Shi Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, A Biological Vision Inspired Framework for Image Enhancement in Poor Visibility Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020, 29(1): 1493-1506.</br>
[5] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Improving color constancy by selecting suitable set of training images, Optics Express, 2019, 27(18): 25611-25633.</br>
[6] Shao-Bing Gao, Yan-Ze Ren, Ming Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Visual Mechanisms for Color Constancy Under Varying Illumination, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28(9): 4387-4400.</br>
[7] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Qian Zhao, Xian-Shi Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Underwater Image Enhancement using Adaptive Retinal Mechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28(11): 5580-5595.</br>
[8] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Yong-Jie Li*, Improving color constancy by selecting suitable set of training images, Optics Express, 2019, 27(18): 25611-25633.</br>
[9] Hulin Kuang, Kai-Fu Yang, Long Chen, Yong-Jie Li*, Leanne Lai Hang Chan*, Hong Yan, Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, 19(3): 814-825. </br>
[10] Tao Deng, Hongmei Yan*, YongJie Li*, Learning to Boost Bottom-up Fixation Prediction in Driving Environments via Random Forest, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, 19(9): 3059-3067. </br>
[11] Kai-Fu Yang, Hui Li, Hulin Kuang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, An Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2019, 29(3): 640 - 652.</br>
[12] Hulin Kuang, Xianshi Zhang, YongJie Li*, Leanne Lai Hang Chan*, Hong Yan, Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Bio-Inspired Image Enhancement and Weighted Score-Level Feature Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18(4): 927-936.</br>
[13] Shao-Bing Gao, Ming Zhang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Improving Color Constancy by Discounting the Variation of Camera Spectral Sensitivity, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2017, 34(8): 1448-1462.</br>
[14] Kai-Fu Yang, Hui Li, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, A Unified Framework for Salient Structure Detection by Contour-Guided Visual Search, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016, 25(8): 3475-3488.</br>
[15] Tao Deng, Kaifu Yang, Yongjie Li, Hongmei Yan*, Where does the driver look? Top-down based saliency detection in a traffic driving environment, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, 17(7): 2051-2062. </br>
[16] Xian-Shi Zhang, Shao-Bing Gao, Ruo-Xuan Li, Xin-Yu Du, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, A Retinal Mechanism Inspired Color Constancy Model, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016, 25(3): 1219-1232. </br>
[17] Shao-Bing Gao, Kai-Fu Yang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Color Constancy Using Double-Opponency, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2015, 37(10): 1973-1985. </br>
[18] Kai-Fu Yang, Shao-Bing Gao, Ce-Feng Guo, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Boundary Detection Using Double-Opponency and Spatial Sparseness Constraint, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015, 24(8): 2565-2578.</br>
[19] Kai-Fu Yang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, Potential Roles of the Interaction Between Model V1 Neurons with Orientation-Selective and Non-selective Surround Inhibition in Contour Detection, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2015, Vol. 9, Article: 30, pp.1-16.</br>
[20] Xian-Shi Zhang, Shao-Bing Gao, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li*, A Retina Inspired Model for Enhancing Visibility of Hazy Images, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2015, 9: 151, pp.1-16.</br>
[21] Kaifu Yang, Shaobing Gao, Yongjie Li*, Efficient Illuminant Estimation for Color Constancy Using Grey Pixels, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015, 2254-2263.</br>
[22] Kaifu Yang, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, Multifeature-Based Surround Inhibition Improves Contour Detection in Natural Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014, 23(12): 5020-5032. </br>
[23] Shaobing Gao, Wangwang Han, Kaifu Yang, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, Efficient Color Constancy with Local Surface Reflectance Statistics, The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2014), Part II, LNCS 8690, pp. 158–173, 2014.(acceptance rate: 25.1%)</br>
[24] Kaifu Yang, Shaobing Gao, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, Efficient Color Boundary Detection with Color-opponent Mechanisms, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, pp2810-2817. </br>
[25] Shaobing Gao, Kaifu Yang, Chaoyi Li, Yongjie Li*, A Color Constancy Model with Double-Opponency Mechanisms, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013, pp929-936 (oral paper, acceptance rate: 2.52%). </br>
[26] Chi Zeng, Yongjie Li*, Chaoyi Li, Center-Surround Interaction with Adaptive Inhibition: a Computational Model for Contour Detection, NeuroImage. 2011, 55(1): 49-66. (IF: 5.937) </br>
[27] Yongjie Li*, Jie Lei, A Feasible Solution to the Beam-Angle-Optimization Problem in Radiotherapy Planning With a DNA-Based Genetic Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2010, 57(3): 499-508.
本科生课程 《数字信号处理》、《大脑的奥秘》 研究生课程 《神经信息学基础》
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荣誉与奖励 团队主页